As much as we love it, Northampton can be pretty bad in the winter.  Even the happiest, healthiest, least sleep-deprived student will get a little down, so what does that mean for the rest of us?  Stave off the winter blues with the following ideas.

Note:  If you feel depressed and it’s more than a simple case of Seasonal Affective Disorder, there are people on campus who can help you.  Call Health Services at x2840 or check out this link to learn m0re:

1.  Drink some hot chocolate and add something nice.  Suggestions:  whipped cream, cinnamon, a peppermint tea bag (or some peppermint schnapps, if you’re over 21) or chocolate syrup.  Hot chocolate also makes smith coffee tolerable.

2. Visit the botanical gardens.  Sit in the tropical room for a while and absorb the warm breeze.  Aaand it’s free!

3. Make Belgian waffles at Tyler, whenever they have the mix for it.

4. Watch a Disney movie.  Ignore sexist messages and sing along to all the songs.

5.  Rent a ukulele from Forbes and futz around with it all afternoon.

6. Dance like crazy in your room.  Invite your friends!

7. Go sledding on hospital hill! It’s scary but oh so fun.  Make sure you have gloves and a hat and boots and all sorts of warm things because it’s cold enough to freeze your nose off.

8. Start knitting a scarf.  It’s ridiculously easy, even for the absolute beginner.  Just grab a more experienced friend, head down to Webs and get to work!

9.  Go to Forbes library and rent a bunch of movies.  Snuggle up with your friends or your lover and enjoy the show.

10.  Go to the gym.  Makes you release endorphins, keeps you warm, blah blah.  Go with a friend so you can bitch about it as you’re walking there.

11.  Start a back rub circle in your living room.  Everyone wins!

12. Make yourself some 5-minute microwave chocolate cake.  Just grab yourself some ingredients and a mug.  You don’t even need a full kitchen!  Here’s one recipe:,1729,148162-227200,00.html

13. Drink some tea and read a book.  Even the ten minutes it takes to read a magazine article will make you feel less stressed.  Oldie but goodie.

14.  Change your clothes.  Wear something with bright colors.  Put on a dab of perfume or cologne.  The change will help you brighten up.

15. Flirt with someone cute.

16. Go to Herrell’s and try an ice cream flavor you’ve never tried before.  Who cares that it’s cold outside?!

17.  Do some stretches.  You don’t need to be a yoga master; just try to hit every part of your body.

18. Sleep a little more than usual.  Your work can wait (well, hopefully).

19. Put on, like, ten sweaters and go for a walk.  Nothing like being bundled up when it’s cold outside.

20. Eat something with tons of vitamin C, like an orange.

21. Listen to Europop. One MIKA CD is all you need.

22. Dig out the children’s books and board games and reminisce about the good old days before papers and problem sets.

23. Have a tropical themed party: buy leis, make fruity drinks, pretend your room isn’t freezing, etc.

24. Cut out pretty, colorful pictures from magazines and put them all over your walls.

25. Trek over to one of the many movie theatres in the area (Pleasant St, Hampshire Mall, Cinemark, etc) and watch a happy, fluffy comedy.

  1. Mamma Aviva


    that is all 🙂

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