Archive for the ‘Free Stuff and Deals’ Category

Sorry, it’s a pretty slow Saturday. If you know of any other events, email us at


Smith Fencing (Hell’s Bells) is hosting The Big One (a fencing tournament). Tons of other schools will be there. Head over to the ITT from 9 am – 5 pm to support Smithies or visit friends from other schools. Women will be fencing in the morning and men in the afternoon.


Want free, pretty things? Go to CCAB’s mug painting from 9-11 pm in CC 103/1o4.


Want to party? Go to Gardiner’s Fetish party from 10-1 am, in Gardiner House.

First of all, I am deeply apologetic for forgetting to post last night. I got caught up in Halloweening — the trick-or-treating or Rocky Horror and completely forgot to post! Sorry! Also, Carol Christ was not at her house last night to receive trick-or-treaters and I was very disappointed; I had been looking forward to that.

Secondly, it’s November. When did that happen (besides 1 am last night)? Scary, scary thought.

Thirdly, last night at 2 am was Fall Back due to Daylight Savings Time, so I hope every set their clocks one hour back and got some extra, very needed sleep.

That’s pretty much it for announcements, now on to events! But really, there is only one actual event on campus today. One. I know it’s SUnday, but we need more college-recommended ways to procrastinate.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Are you a person who likes Harry Potter or simply needs to get out of Neilson for a few hours? Go to this showing of HP & the Half Blood Prince. I mean it — it’s all that’s happening today (as far as I could tell after checking 5 different college calendars*). If you want to actively procrastinate (instead of just sitting at your computer watching youtube videos or something), go to Weinstein Auditorium in Wright Hall at 1:30 pm. It’s free.

*If you know of any other events for today or any other day, please email us at

First, I apologize for failing you; I am 8 minutes late in posting. My only excuse is that I’m too addicted to procrastination. To make up for my lateness, I will post fun/silly/cute videos/links soon. Forgive us!


Want to get into the Halloween spirit? If you don’t have a ticket to Hampshire Halloween or you just want to kick back and relax after a crazy week, go to CC 103/104 from 9-11 pm to paint some pumpkins and get some free candy.

Van Certification

I know the last thing you want to do on a Friday afternoon (especially the Friday before Halloween) is go to a defensive driving session, but if you’ve already gone to the initial van certification session, you might as well go. It’s only one hour, so it’s like a band-aid, just go and the pain will be over before you know it. It’s from 3-4 pm in Stoddard Auditorium and is the last one this semester. Be sure to get there on time, if you do go.


If you’re looking to have some political fun at a party (Democrat, Republican, or otherwise affiliated are welcome), go to the Smith Dems Halloween Party, themed “Sarah Palin’s Thanksgiving Dinner.” It’s from 7-9 pm in Davis Ballroom and is free. Wear your costume!

Design Panel

Learn about design and design-based careers at this alumnae panel and networking reception to follow. The panelists specialize in architecture, landscape design, interiors, graphic/interactive design, product design, and industrial design. At noon in Hillyer 106, the panelists will present their portfolios (with pizza provided) and the panel will be at 4 pm in Graham Hall.

Major Presentations

Thursday, major/minor presentations will continue with Logic in the Philosophy Study in Dewey from 12-1 pm. Click here for more information.


Help Smith go green by going to this forum presented by Jennifer Andrews and Anne Stephenson on climate change solutions in food services. “Chartin Emissions from Food Services: A dialog with Clean Air-Cool Planet” is part of the Five College Climate Action Week. For more information, click here. This will be from 12-1 pm in CC Carroll Room and a pizza lunch will be provided.


Frustrated about menstruation? Course you are! There’s a psych colloquium on “Attitudes toward Menstruation and Menopause: Why they are important and ways to study them” presented by Joan Chrisler ’43 in McConnell B15 at 12:10 pm. There will be pizza, but bring your own drink.


First years and sophomores can go to an informational meeting about a two-week long leadership program over J-term which offers hands-on training, helps improve public speaking, and more. The info meetings will be held at 4:30 and 7 pm in the Clark Hall Conference Room.


Looking to procrastinate? Go to the theatre department’s playreading series and see four new one act plays written by the MFA playwriting students at Smith. “This series is an open forum to acquaint our community with plays they might not otherwise come to know.” This event is free and often includes prizewinning plays. Go to Earle Recital Hall in Sage Hall at 7:30 pm for this.


Are you a poetry aficionado? Go to Susan Stewart‘s poetry reading and question and answer session. The Q&A session will be at 4 pm in the Poetry Center, followed by the poetry reading at 7:3o pm in the Neilson Browsing Room.

Major/Minor Presentations

The presentations of the majors and minors are continuing with the Environmental Science and Policy minor (12-1 pm, Bass 102) and Comparative Literature (5-6 pm, Seelye 207). Food will be provided at both. Click here for more information.

The Smith Calendar, R25, is still down for me, so some important events might be missing. Please forgive us! We mean no harm! And if anyone has been able to get the calendar to work this weekend, email us at


Go to a lecture on sustainable peace in the Middle East to learn about “the interplay between peaceful cooperation and environmental sustainability in Israel and Palestine.” This lecture will be presented by Noam Dolgin in Seelye 106 at 7 pm.

Interested in orgo? Go to the annual Rosenfeld lecture in organic chemistry on “protein design without alpha-amino acids” presented by Alanna Schepartz of Yale University in McConnell 103 at 4:30 pm. Click here for more information.


Concerned about money? Of course you are! Go to the Women and Financial Independence E*Incentives Lunch about entrepreneurship. The owner of Thomson Financial Management, Inc. will be speaking about “the specific rewards and challenges of owning a business.” Lunch will be provided for the first 20 attendees. Click here for more information. This will be from 12-1 pm in CC 102.


Just who is that elusive woman behind the bureaucracy? Drop into Open Hour with the president to express concerns about Smith or just to chat with Carol Christ from 4-5 pm in College Hall 201.

Major Presentations

The presentations of majors and minors are starting Monday with Afro-American Studies and East Asian Languages and Culture. Afro-American studies will be in CC 103 at 12 pm. Food will be provided. East Asian Lang will be at 4:30 pm in Seelye 207 with “light refreshments.” Click here for more information.

Preface: The Smith calender (R25) is down and has been all day (at least for me), so some events may be missing. Sorry!


To aid your procrastination further, Rec Council presents the movie Year One with Jack Black and Michael Cera at 1:30 pm, in Weinstein Auditorium in Wright Hall.


Go to the SmiTHrift fall sale from 1-4 pm in CC 103/104 and find some great deals on clothing and dorm supplies. All proceeds will be donated to a Northampton charity. Last year they went to Safe Passage to help domestic abuse victims.


Judging for the theatre department’s bake off will be Sunday at 12 pm in the Green Room in Mendenhall Center. Compete as a house and bake your best chocolate layer cake. Winners will win free tickets to the play Mrs. California for everyone in your house (student tickets are normally $5). Mrs California will be showing Oct. 22-24 and 28-31 at 8 pm in Mendenhall Theatre, Theatre 14.

Here’s more! Today includes some must see (well, hear) lectures and…everything. I’m sorry to professors, but you cannot possibly get any work done tonight! There’s just too much going on.

Love your body day!

Field hockey is hosting the second annual Love Your Body Day which includes a fair on Chapin Lawn from 8 am till 4 pm. Stop by!


Women & Financial Independence are hosting Financing Life, presented by economics professor Randall Bartlett. This session will focus on saving for retirement (scary stuff! but helpful) and will talk about “The magic of compound interest and exponential growth; time aspects of saving plans; taxes and retirement.” This is useful to everyone (as long as you’re not already an econ genius) so everyone should go. Plus: the first 75 people get free lunch. For more information and the handout (maybe?), go here or call 413.585.3653. Be there, Neilson Browsing Room from 12-1 pm.


Eszter Hargittai (’96) presents a lecture on “Ensuring Equitable Access to Knowledge: the Role of the Library in the 21st century.” This will focus on the “digital-social divide” in web use among students. This looks pretty fascinating, so you should go to the Neilson Browsing Room from 4:30-6 pm. No pressure though.


This panel is for anyone with interests or art or East Asian culture! It’s about Japanese ceramics presented by Todate Kazuko and Shigematsu Ayumi and Touch Fire. It looks pretty great, so be in Weinstein Auditiorium (In Wright Hall) from 5-7:30 pm (which is actually a horrible time to schedule anything — lucky for you, Tyler will be open till 8:30 pm).


Float Night is here! Come see the floats beautifully decorated by houses, orgs, and athletic teams. Prizes will be awarded to the team with the best float and the one with the most spirit. Also, recieve free pint glasses and root bear floats. And, to top it all off, there will be a flip cup tournament so even if you’re not competing in the float competition, you can join the tournament. Therefore, your only option is to get your game face on and head over to the Crew House Dance Studio from 6-1o pm.


Joseph Sebarenzi, former head of the Rwanda Pariament and author of “God Sleeps in Rwanda: A Journey of Transformation” will speak about his book and his life in Rwanda. Neilson Browsing Room, 7:30 -9 pm.

Just for fun

Are you smarter than your professor? I know you’ve thought it at least once. Go to the Carroll Room in the Campus Center at 9-11 pm and find out for sure.


Yes, Virginia, there is a mountain day.  You didn’t hallucinate those bells.  Toss your books back on your shelf, stop working on that paper and get ready for some stress-free fun!  Here’s everything you need to know on our favorite day of the year:

  1. Weather (from
    With a high of 63, it’ll be partially sunny!  That’s probably good as it gets this late in the year, but we don’t care because it’s MOUNTAIN DAY
  2. Food
    To learn what’s open when, just check out the best Smith site,
  3. Deals around town
    This year, Thorns is offering a lot of discounts for Smithies on Mountain Day!  Check out the smith website for more information: … Our favorite is the $1 off your order at Herrell’s… remember to bring your ID!

Check out the Smith website or call their info line (extension x4636 ) after Mountain Day is announced for more info.

Remember: Evening events (those after 7pm) are still being held!  Sorry, you still have to go to that movie screening for your German class, but at least you can sleep all day to prepare for it.

Also, Health Services will be open as normal today.  So if you fall down the mountain, you still can get help!

We’d write more, but we want to enjoy life a little bit right now. Happy Mountain Day!!

PS We guessed right last night!  Not that we had a lot of days to work with, but still.  Break out the champange!


The 2009 Yearbooks are now available in the lower level of the Campus Center at the booth labeled Madeleine. Take one and tell your friends!

Yearbooks do not have to be purchased; they are paid for by the Student Activities Fee so you’ve pretty much already bought one.

They will only be out and available till Wednesday, Sept. 30, so grab them fast. If there are no yearbooks left on the table, email and more will be placed on the book.

Any questions? Email