Archive for the ‘Academic Lectures’ Category

First of all, we would like to wish good luck to everyone who still has midterms and midterm-papers. Hope everyone had a wonderful family weekend, and if you have any great pictures, email us at and we’ll post them for you.

Major/Minor Presentations

Monday, there will be four major/minor presentations. Click here for more information.

  • Jewish Studies: 12-1:30 pm, Seelye 201, lunch provided
  • Physics: 12:15-1 pm, McConnell 103
  • Spanish & Portuguese & Latin American Studies: 4-6 pm, Seelye 207, refreshments served
  • Ancient Studies (minor): 5 pm, Dewey Hall Philosophy Lounge, pizza and beverages provided

Yearbook Photos

Today the yearbook photographer will be going to each house on campus from 4:30 – 7:30 pm to take pictures of each house. Each house president should know the time of the picture, and hopefully told the house. If you want to be in your house’s picture, be outside the house 5 minutes before the photo’s scheduled time.


Authors Cho Kyong-ran and P-yon Hye-yong will be speaking at “To Live and to Write: Contemporary Korean Women’s Literature.” There will be a reading in both Korean and English, and there will be copies of the book available for signing. This event is sponsored by the Program in East Asian Studies, East Asian Languages and Literatures, and the Study of Women and Gender and will be at 4:30 pm in the Neilson Browsing Room.

Hey Smith Stalker readers! We have (hopefully) everything you need, and now even more. We’re continuing to update and add more information each week to make this the best site for you.

We all have to major in something eventually. Have no idea? Or are you one of the people who’s known what she wants to do from age 5? Either way, you should go to Presentations of the Majors and Minors. For your convenience, we’ve created a page which you can access here. To make it even easier for you, each day the presentations occur, we’ll put information in our daily events post as well.

You’re here, and chances are, you don’t have a car. There are tons of places you want to travel with your club or house, but the PVTA just won’t take you there. In cases like these, it’s time for someone to get van certified. It’s fairly painless and only about 2 (separate) hours out of your life and your house/club mates will love you forever for it. For more information, click here. Each day the certification sessions occur, we’ll post them in our daily events page.

We’ve also just added a link to Forbes Library. Go there: get music, take out a movie, read a book for fun. Anything, just don’t stress.

If you think we’re missing anything or there’s just a link you just have to have, email us at and we’ll create a page or link for you.

It’s Wednesday day and you’re wondering what you can do to get over those hump day blues. We (hopefully) have the answer for you.

After Smith:

For all you math people interested in either higher education, go to this! Thomas Kerler from the math department at Ohio State University will talk about getting into grad school in math in general and specifically at Ohio State. So be in Burton 304 from 4:00-5:00pm or be square!


Interested in LGBTQ issues? Go to Out At Work: GLBTQ Issues in the Workplace and hear alums’ experiences with LGBTQ issues in the workplace. Discussion will include when/how/if to come out, benefits, and employment rights of the GLBTQ communities. Go to CC 205 from 7:00-8:30pm to learn more.

Hot Seat:

Confused about health care? Come to this Hot Seat, “Health Care: Right or Privilege” and submit your questions to the panel. Hear from panelists Rick Millington (American Studies & English), Jennifer Walters (Dean of Religious Life), and Sarah Woodbury (’10).  Bring your lunch to CC 103 at 12:15 pm and watch the debate rage!


The Smith Republicans with the UMass Republicans host Meghan McCain. She will be giving a speech at 6:30pm in Boker Auditorium at UMass. We recommend this for Democrats and Republicans alike as an eye-opening experience and she’s famous and famous people are awesome!

Looking for something exciting to do on Tuesday?  Here’s what we’ve found.  Even if you have too much work, you can procrastinate with any (or all) of these events going on tomorrow:


  • There’s a physics lecture going on called “Black Holes in Higher Dimensions” by Dr. David Kastor from the Physics Department from our neighbor, UMass.  It’s going to be in McConnell 103.  They didn’t post the time. We’re pretty sure we wouldn’t understand it, but at least it sounds cool!
  • Professor Aileen Ribeiro, visiting from Courtauld Institute in London this semester, will be giving a lecture at 5 pm in Graham Hall (Hillyer) titled “Naked and Profane: Women, Dress and Morality”.  This, too, sounds like it will pretty cool, but at least this time we’ll understand what’s going on!


  • There’s a free concert in Sweeney Concert Hall (Sage Hall ) from 12:30-1pm by the Avanti Wind Quintet.  They’ll be playing works written by people connected to Smith as part of a year-long series.

Film and Discussion:

  • All you environmentalists, take note!  This isn’t on campus, but it seems really cool.  At 7:00 pm at the Academy of Music, PBS journalist David Brancaccio will be talking about On Thin Ice, a movie about glaciers and global warming.  Discussion follows the film.


  • WANT FREE LUNCH (and information about living after Smith)?!  There’s a seminar in Neilson Browsing room from 12:00-1pm about making your savings grow.  First 50 people get a free lunch.

ALSO, there will be a test of the emergency notification system sometime on Tuesday.  Heads up!

(Check out our about page for information about our sources, as well as our disclaimer.  Email us at with comments and ideas)

Finally, our first events post. Each day there will be various amounts of events posted, depending on what’s going on on campus each day. If you have any event you want advertised, email us at

Here are some of the top events for the day…Sorry the events are not that exciting. I was lacking inspiration for the day. We only announce the events, not create them.

Multicultural: The Anti-Columbus Time Line. An eight poster display on Chapin Lawn sponsored by Nosotras and Indigenous Smith Students and Allies (ISSA) about why we should not celebrate Columbus Day. The timeline starts with Columbus and continues more towards modern day highlighting Native American culture and research. This exhibit will be up all week and looks fascinating. Take an extra five minutes on the way to grab-and-go or checking your mail and check this out.

After Smith: Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Learn about graduate programs available in the environmental sciences and the Yale program. Reccommended for anyone in the sciences with an environmental bent or people who just want to know more about the grad school programs available to them. This will be in Bass 102 at 12:15pm and lunch will be served.

Language: American Sign Language Table. Are you always hearing about people who want to learn sign language? If you’re one of the people who just has to learn sign language or you speak sign language yourself, go to this table to practice your existing skills or learn more. Duckett Dining Room, 5:30-7:00 pm: be there.

Politics: Lecture on the Obama Administration and U.S.-Japan Relations: Continuity and Change. Lecture is by Dr. William Brooks who was in the U.S. Department of the State until September. He will be talking about how Obama should transition relations with the U.S. and Japan. For anyone politically minded or interested in East Asian politics and culture, this is the lecture for you. Seelye 106, 7:00pm-9:00pm.